Temporary use of public urban space in historical cities: a comparison between Italy and Japan. The role of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Assets and Projects and of Tourism (MIBAC) and the role of municipalities.
Dettagli dell'evento
al 12/03/2015 alle 17:30
Persona di riferimento
In Japan a growing number of small and medium size urban centers encounter difficulties in financing the maintenance of existing public services and infrastructures. The official delegation of MLIT is conducting a field research in some Italian cities (Rome, Florence, Bologna, Venice and Ferrara) as well as in other European countries to see how to maximize public benefits for local communities through new temporary uses of public urban space seen as possible additional revenue sources. The role of the Italian MIBAC is seen as peculiar of our country as temporary use of public urban space in historic Italian cities is subject to authorizations by MIBAC. The seminar aims to highlight the distinct roles of municipalities and MIBAC provincial offices in general terms and in some case studies in the city of Ferrara.
Tokyo growth from 1960s to 2000s
La delegazione giapponese al termine dell’incontro al Dipartimento di Architettura il 12 febbraio 2015. Da sinistra a destra: Mr. Fumio Tanaka, researcher, Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT); Mr. Fumio Shinohara, senior researcher & director for Land Policy Unit, NLI Research Institute; Mr. Fumito Bito, mission leader and senior researcher, MLIT; Ms. Atsuko Sakai, research officer, MLIT; Arch. Gabriele Pivari, responsabile Centro Operativo Mibac di Ferrara; Prof. Romeo Farinella, DA; Prof. Gastone Ave, DA.