Joana Klemo
XXXIV Cycle - (A.A. 2018-2019)
Home Institution: POLIS University, Tirana
Scholarship (with research contract)
Curriculum: Architecture
Research Topic: Housing post 90's in Albania
Tutor DA-UNIFE: Gabriele Lelli
Tutor Polis University: Sotir Dhamo
Nationality: Albanian, Greek
Johana is an architect graduated in 2010 in Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Tirana Faculty of Civil Engineering. Later on 2013 she obtained a professional master degree in Spatial Planning and GIS Application, a join degree of POLIS University Tirane and IHS Erasmus University, Rotterdam. She worked as an architect in design studios in Durres and Tirana enriching her design practice experience. She is currently involved in International PhD program in Architecture and Urban Planning – IDAUP Cycle XXXIV (University of Ferrara, Italy). Johana is an assistant/ lecturer at Polis University.
Research skills
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Scientific activities
Doctoral research
Studies to understand if the dwelling unit built after 90`does meet or not the demands of the family nowadays.
The 90` brought a political overthrow followed by social economic changes. The past two decades Albania has experienced dramatic socio-political changes and was found unprepared in the urban policies aspect resulting in illegal and chaotic construction.The shift from the communist regime, with its well-expressed ideology, to a very liberated approach, happened in a lack of planning and in a lack of control on implementation. All this largely testified in urban and architecture product. It has also resulted in appearance of phenomena like informality, stock apartment, gated communities, etc. In this fast and massive development, the residential entity was most affected. This thesis question which are the dynamics of post 90` housing while facing the new challenges and threats? The family structure as one of the main component with a great weight in the dwelling design nowadays is more dynamic and its needs have changed. How much has the new dwelling evolved after 90`? Does it meet the real needs of nowadays family demands?
typology | housing | stock | dynamics