Emanuele Piaia

Recupero e nuove politiche abitative per il Social Housing. Strategie di riqualificazione degli insediamenti di edilizia sociale ad alta intensità abitativa realizzati nelle periferie urbane in Italia nella seconda metà del '900

The object of this research regards the studies of strategies for regeneration large residential settlements in the urban peripheries that were constructed during the second half of the 20th century. These settlements, being subjected to a high level of social, technical, and functional deterioration, have their origins mostly in housing policies implemented during the post-WWII recovery period by public authorities to meet the intense demand for public housing through the urban planning of areas that were, at the time, peripheries but have since been absorbed by the urban fabric. The existing buildings in question were planned and constructed with no attention having been paid to energy issues from the points of view of both heating and natural illumination as well as ventilation, relying on non-renewable sources of energy to maintain adequate interior levels of comfort. The primary objective is to elaborate multidisciplinary analyses of strategies that include different yet complementary aspects of the construction attributes, such as: sustainability, energy efficiency, usability, accessibility, and multipurpose functions. Monitoring and control tools will be analysed in the research for specific renovation actions and programmes, with particular reference to those based on forms of partnership between public and private entities. The expected result is the elaboration of strategies and reflection for regeneration interventions, gathered from case studies but offering wide-scale applications on public housing complexes, including criteria, regulations, and requalification principles. In order to implement the functional and operational recovery models, the preliminary activities of the study were aimed at the identification of some case-studies that are representative of the Italian panorama because of their typology, construction, and state of physical and social deterioration.

XXI Cycle
Tecnologia dell'Architettura
Home Institution: Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Tutor: Roberto Di Giulio


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