Edoardo Bit

La vegetazione per le chiusure verticali. Il percorso evolutivo del verde parietale quale elemento di rinaturalizzazione urbana e dispositivo tecnologico passivo per il controllo del microclima ambientale

Topic of green walls is important for contemporary architectonical experimentation and R&D;: it express an expansion of designer’s possibilities. The use of vegetation like a functional element in the project is may be found for a long time, but only recently, thanks to the attention for environmental conditions and the consequent cultural moving towards a sustainability development, the architectonical use of plants like collaborative components is increasing. This research shoots for a detailed analysis, with the aim to understand the features of these particular typologies (green façades, living walls, etc.), which ask a collaboration between technological components and living system represented by plants. Technical and functional development characterizing these envelope systems were the target of all methodological research’s choices, with the aim to draw up some planning instruments for the architect.

Tecnologia dell'Architettura
Home Institution: Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Tutor: Giovanni Zannoni
