Mohammad Torfehnezhad

La facciata drenante:una nuova soluzione per gestire le acque meteoriche sugli edifici tramite un sistema della facciata modulare/ventilata, collaborante all'uso dei sistemi di laminazione.

Rain water is a renewable resource from the rain which can cause damage in the contexts built.The phenomenon of "flooding" is the result of a brief and intense rain, with period of less than one hour, in the compact urban zone which contains a normal urban drainage system.Practically, in the case of this type of rain or named "temporal", the system has to dispose the outflow of rainwater and leads them to the sewage network, failed to create the necessary balance between the amount of water in inlet and outlet.In this particular condition the disposal system lead to "Tilt" for a simple reason: there is not enough time to dispose of all this water. In this case flooding caused by overloading. In order to avoid or at least reduce probability of this event, especially in an urban area characterized by increasing non-absorbent surfaces, there will be risk of flooding and overloading of rainwater runoff, therefore these two essential factors can be optimized : Achieving more time to gradually dispose runoff in sewage network and find extra storage to hoard it.In order to satisfy these factors, creating a single capable system would be more or less as arranging various disposal systems in the same area, Or instead of using multiple systems at the same time, can expand the size of the existing system. As an example retarding basins or adding other basins before raining;in all cases, the costs would rise unjustifiably.This is the reason why architecture technology and industrial design contribute to evaluate an initial idea of research that can solve or alleviate a problem in the field of hydraulic engineering. The idea can be use the potential of the vertical surface (facade) of the building, is able to create a network that automatically handle each building while use on several buildings in the same area, both urban and industrial, and able to satisfy two above-mentioned factors. A system which can save the time and restore part of rainwater disposal of the construction that can aid to sewage network.Field of activity of this modular system is on the facade of the buildings, it would be an innovative idea that will add another function to the existing modular system of building facade In this project has been tried to evaluate the possibility of invention in modified version of the integrated surfaces with components designed to handle rainwater before it reaches the ground. In other words, managing a part of the wastewater before the water wasted.

XXVI Cycle
Tecnologia dell'Architettura
Home Institution: Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Tutor: Giuseppe Mincolelli, Michlele Bottarelli


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