Chiara Testoni

Towards Smart City. Amministrazione Pubblica e città italiane di media dimensione: strategie di governance per uno sviluppo intelligente, sostenibile e inclusivo del territorio

We live in a time of consistent geopolitical, social and economic transformations which generate problems and needs profoundly different from those of a decade ago. In recent times, cities have gained a strong importance from an economic, cultural, political and psychological point of view. Urbanization is becoming more consistent, with proportions and features never recorded in the past. The crisis of nonrenewable natural resources, abused for decades because of destructive economic policies, raises serious questions about the need to redefine the role of anthropic systems in relation to the environment. Cities are also the context that reflects the most impressive economic and socio-demographic changes of our time: if on one hand a general improvement of living conditions is recorded, deep unfairness and arbitrariness in wealth distribution still remain and determine explosive social tensions and conflicts especially in urban areas; furthermore, the increasingly multi-ethnic society underlines emblematic problems of segregation in many degraded urban environments all over the planet. Moreover, the interactions between people and physical space are significantly altered if compared to the past. The world is increasingly interconnected: through technological innovation and dissemination of digital culture, telematic infrastructures go far beyond technology and deeply permeate daily life and the relationships between individuals and the territory. In order to face the epochal changes associated with the transition from the industrial to the post-digital era, for about twenty years the concept of smart city has been debated. The concept of smart city was formulated almost as if it were a "magic wand" to respond effectively to current issues. It is therefore necessary to understand whether we are facing a real cultural change or we are simply spectators of a fascinating but ephemeral phenomenon: this commitment is essential especially for Public Administrations, which act as main directors of urban transformation.

Tecnologia dell'Architettura
Home Institution: Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Tutor: Andrea Boeri


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