Research projects
National and Regional Research Projects
- M.A.P.S. - Museum repository objects: Access and Preservation System for conservation and management in the Metaverse environment
- AIM-eBIM - Adapted Information Management for existing Buildings Information Modeling
- SACER - Sviluppo e integrazione di Accumuli innovativi nelle Comunità Energetiche Rinnovabili
- ALLIANCE - Active-passive pLug&pLay IntegrAted techNologies for faCades of pEbs
- INCITE - Inspiring City InformaTion modEling for urban resilience
- ReWINDS - Recycling of Waste Into New Demonstrated Sustainable Solutions
- DIGI-BRIDGE - Strumenti Digitali Integrati per il Monitoraggio Strutturale, la Diagnostica e la Manutenzione Predittiva di Ponti e Viadotti
- BLOCH4MAT - BLOckCHain technology for ceramic and construction MATerials supply chain
- BATH - Being Architects, Teaching History. The Italian Contribution to a New History of Architecture: Zevi, Bruschi and Tafuri
- PATH (Perception and Access To Heritage) - Culture, its perceptions | Cultural fruition of Heritage for children with perceptive and cognitive disabilities for an ethically sustainable design
- GUIDANCE - GUidelines for H-BIM Documentation, mAnagemeNt and Conservation of built heritage assEts
- BEACON - Built hEritage sustAinable CONservation
- Italia ’90 atlas. History, impact and legacy of the Football World Cup
- CHAMELEON - Strumenti digitali adattabili, integrabili e accessibili per una fruizione dinamica e adattiva degli ambienti museali
International Research Projects
- ECHO - Efficient Compact Modular Thermal Energy Storage System
- MASCOT - Modular multilevel cost Analysis Software for COmposite smarT fuselage
- HeLLo - Heritage energy Living Lab onsite
- IDEAS - Novel building Integration Designs for increased Efficiencies in Advanced Climatically Tunable Renewable Energy Systems
- HEROTILE - High Energy savings in building cooling by ROof TILEs shape optimization toward a better above sheathing ventilation
- INCEPTION - Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling
- RELY - Renewable energy and landscape quality
- bePrepARed - Preparing, Adapting, Reconstructing: actions to promote climate change adaptation and risk disaster resilience in Italian and Croatian sensitive ecosystems