Emanuele Piaia

XXI Cycle - (A.A. 2005-2006)

Architecture Technology
Home Institution: University of Ferrara

Curriculum: Architecture (ICAR12)
Research Topic: Building process and refurbishment
Tutor DA-UNIFE: Roberto Di Giulio
Nationality: Italian

Email: emanuele.piaia@unife.it


Emanuele Piaia Architect, PhD and Professor at the Department of Architecture of Ferrara. He is member of the LEM (Laboratory of Built Environment, Maintenance and Management) at the University of Ferrara where he manage national and international scientific research, specifically focusing on the issues related to technical innovation, refurbishment and maintenance of the existing buildings and also the valorisation of the cultural heritage.
 He has participated in national and international conferences and he has authored more than 50 publications, concerning building technologies, product and process innovation, refurbishment strategies and knowledge improvements of the cultural heritage.
In 2017 he is among the founding members of Wideline S.r.l. as a spin-off born to provide research services related to the integrated development of architectural, urban, infrastructural, territorial.

Research skills
Refurbishment | Building process | Building technologies | Energy efficiency | Cultural Heritage

Scientific activities



Doctoral research

Refurbishment and new housing policies for social-housing. Renovation, regeneration and valorisation of social housing settlements built in the suburban areas in the second half of last century.

The research concerns the policies of regeneration and valorisation of large residential settlements built during the second half of the 20th century in the suburban areas. These settlements, being subjected to a high level of social, technical, and functional deterioration, have their origins mostly in housing policies implemented during the post-WWII recovery period by public authorities to meet the intense demand for public housing. Furthermore, this building stock is planned and constructed with no attention having been paid to energy issues from the points of view of both heating and natural illumination as well as ventilation, relying on non-renewable sources of energy to maintain adequate interior levels of comfort. The need to develop efficient instruments for the requalification of densely-inhabited public housing settlements emerges clearly from the results of the urban requalification instruments as: Law 179/92 (Norme per l'Edilizia Residenziale), Urban Requalification Programmes (L.493/93) and Contratti di Quartiere (MD 22.10.1997) that promotes refurbishment programs for settlements characterized by widespread deterioration of the constructions and the urban environment, from lack of services in a context of low social cohesion, and by strong housing disadvantages. The objectives that the project of research aims to reach consist in the definition of analysis and evaluation criteria, technical and procedural tools and operative tools for the regeneration and valorisation of social housing settlements built in the suburban areas in the second half of last century. The methodology of research will be based on a multidisciplinary approach that includes different yet complementary aspects of the building quality (social, functional, technical, and environmental).

Social Housing | Refurbishment | Energy efficency | Quality of life | Building process

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