Dritan Shutina

XXX Cycle - (A.A. 2014-2015)

Home Institution: Polis University Tirana
Curriculum: Urban Planning (ICAR20)
Research Topic: Polycentricity & governance
Tutor DA-UNIFE: Gastone Ave
Tutor Polis University: Sherif Lushaj
Nationality: Albanian

Email: dritan_shutina@co-plan.org


Dritan Shutina is the Executive Director of Co-PLAN, the Institute for Habitat Development, since 2005, which he co-funded back in 1995. He is also one of the founders of POLIS University, where he teaches strategic planning and project cycle management. He graduated in Civil Engineering and furthered his postgraduate studies in Public Policy, Land and Building Valuation, Urban and City Development, both in European and American institutions; currently in process of completing his doctoral studies in the field of architecture and urban planning. He is institutional development and governance Expert, with over 20 years of experience in matters of governance, strategic planning, participatory processes, and regional development. He has collaborated with numerous donors (both in Albania and the wider region) including with the EU, the World Bank, Austrian Development Agency, Swiss Development Cooperation, USAID, the Dutch Government, etc.

Research skills
Governance | Spatial Planning | Institutional Development | Program evaluation | Land Management

Scientific activities



Doctoral research

Regions of the peripheral regions – a typological classification for polycentric governance

Territorial thinking is appearing / being promoted as an integral part of pan-European and national policy orientations, aiming at maximising territorial development potentials, and promoting the well being of citizens. Since 1999, with the ESDP, territorial development objectives are encouraged or endorsed by various programs and a professional and theoretical discourse on territorial polycentric governance in the EU is developed. However these conceptions extend beyond the EU development framework, with advancements in governance and polycentricity scholarships. Territorial thinking in development is faced with a number of challenges: prolonged rhetoric and theoretical discourse; the mismatch of territorial scales and typologies; low understanding on the place-based approach for governance and development; limited territorial assessment of sectorial policies; fuzzy boundaries in opposition to territoriality. Territorial polycentric governance must concert territorial developments to overcome challenges. The latter is not recent theoretically, but is fragile and new in terms of implementation. Knowledge of the successful cases is rarely if not at all transferred between them and the territorial scales/typologies. This study investigates how territorial (regional) typologies contribute to the implementation of territorial polycentric governance. The assumption is that these typologies are criteria and place-specific. This study is looking at domestic regions of the peripheral European regions, focusing as a case study in Albania. The research of various indicators takes place on different regional typologies, defined based on European, domestic and policy specific classifications. The potential for polycentric governance is defined for the various typologies.

Polycentricity | Governance | Regions | Regional Development | Typological classification

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