Doris Andoni

XXXIII Cycle - (A.A. 2017-2018)

Home Institution: Polis University Tirana
Without Scholarship
Curriculum: Urban Planning (ICAR21)
Research Topic: City governance & Land management
Tutor DA-UNIFE: Gabriele Lelli
Tutor Polis University: Besnik Aliaj
Nationality: Albanian



Born in Tirana, Albania, Doris graduated as Architect from the University of Tirana. She completed her master degree in Lund University (SE) and IHS Rotterdam (NL) with a thesis research “The impact of housing policies on the poor in Albania” and she holds the degree of Master of Science in Urban Housing Management. Between 1990s and 2000 she completed a number of post graduate specialization on different topics related to urban planning, housing policies and project management. She worked as architect for several years and consultant in different international funded projects. She is a housing policy expert, with extensive experience in policy formulation, analysis and implementation, strategic planning, training and capacity building and management. Her professional career includes architecture, housing expert at national and international projects, manager at medium and high level of public administration, lecturers on housing policy, informal housing, and urban regeneration. Her research is focussed on housing, including affordable housing, social housing, and informal settlements. She currently attends the International PhD Course (a.y. 2017-2018) in Ferrara.

Research skills
affordable housing | social housing | informal settlements | public policy | policy analysis

Scientific activities



Doctoral research

Social housing in the neo-liberal context and the new emerging models: a comparative analysis

Housing policies in Europe have been generated during the industrialization era. That époque gave birth to different forms of social housing, which is the most explicit way of state intervention in housing and one of the policy instruments to address the housing need. During its 100 years or so, social housing sector in Europe has had its ups and downs, reaching its pick after the WWII. Albania, similar to other South European and Mediterranean countries has a limited social housing sector and it looks quasi-impossible to extend it in the near future. Housing sector is dominated by ownership tenure that has its drawbacks on affordability. Moreover, policy has been unable to provide formal affordable housing solution that deliberately or not, have stimulated informal developments. The research raises the question whether countries like Albania and other Western Balkan states can start today what Western European countries started 100 years ago; if efforts to replicate same models are realistic and if new concept of social programs for housing can be developed, based on traditional systems of housing provision. Moreover, it attempts to explore triggering effects that may stimulate a change in the path dependence. The research intends to understand and explain the inability to develop social housing in Albania, through exploring its historic and geographical legacies. The main question that the research will try to answer is: Can social housing be “re-invented” in the XXI century?

social housing | public policies | neo-liberal policies | welfare | path-dependence

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