Kai Li Sim

XXXIII Cycle - (A.A. 2017-2018)

Home Institution: University of Ferrara
Curriculum: Architecture (ICAR12)
Research Topic: Building Maintenance
Tutor DA-UNIFE: Roberto Di Giulio
Tutor Polis University:
Nationality: Singaporean

Email: kaili.sim@unife.it



Born in Singapore in 1975, Kai Li obtains her Diploma in Building Management in Singapore and undertakes Land Management as a full-time student in 1997 in University of Reading, UK. Passionate about the real estate industry, Kai Li continues with a Master Degree in Real Estate with the University of Singapore which concluded in year 2008. Kai Li writes the ISO manual for a facilities management company in Singapore and she is also instrumental in setting up joint-venture company in Beijing in the Year 2005 and one in Vietnam in Year 2008. Kai Li is a part-time researcher with the Real Estate and Construction Academy in Singapore and a course trainer for Strata Property Management: Legislation and Management Challenges; Land Use Planning and Control; and Real Estate & Real Estate Investment.

Research skills
Strata management | Building Maintenance | land use planning | Real Estate | Building

Scientific activities



Doctoral research

The Changing Landscape of Strata Title Residential Real Estate Management In Singapore

The need of this research is to address the changing landscape of Strata Title residential real estate market in Singapore which has cast a burden on the Strata Manager in carrying out work efficiently. Trends such as globalisation, technological progress, sustainability, social factors and urbanisation have always been one or some of the focus of research on the impact on real estate markets. Besides analysing the real estate markets from the mentioned angles, it would be equally important to analyse from the related service providers’ perspective. In this case, the Strata Manager/ Managing Agent is an important player in strata title residential real estate management. This study intends to find answers to identify occupiers’ perceptions of a well-maintained building; expectations of occupiers; factors that influence the maintenance status of a building and factors that will make an effective Managing Agent. The proposed research would have an impact on the strata-title properties and the maintainability aspects of buildings, especially in Singapore. At the end of the research, the shortfalls identified in the strata title management could be extracted for practitioners and related bodies to work on and improve them so as to enhance the industry professionalism.

Facilities Management | Building Maintenance | Strata Manager | Technologies | Expectations

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