Martina Suppa

XXXIV Cycle - (A.A. 2018-2019)

Home Institution: University of Ferrara
Curriculum: Architecture
Research Topic: Cultural heritages
Tutor DA-UNIFE: Marcello Balzani
Tutor Polis University: Arben Shtylla
Nationality: Italy



Martina Suppa, graduated in March 2013 in Architecture at the 'University of Naples Federico II with a degree in Architectural restoration about "The gates system of Pompeii, the case study Stabia Gate"(SSD ICAR/19). In 2014 she enters in the Association of Architects, Planners, Landscapers and Conservatives of Naples and Province, r.n. 12046. From 2014-2015 she was research fellow at the University of Milan-Territorial Pole of Mantua (Laboratory Heritage Survey Technology - LARIMA) for the research project "SURVEY OF HUMAN ARTEFACTS AND STRUCTURES FOUND DURING THE EXCAVATION OF NAPLES METRO - TOWN HALL STATION, NAPLES” (SSD ICAR/06). Afterwards she continued her post-graduate studies obtaining a second level master’ s degree in Conservation, Management and Promotion of Industrial Heritage. In June 2018 she attends the Master in European funding – 26° Edition – promoted of Fenice Foundation of Padua. From September 2017 to August 2018 she is research fellow at TekneHuB of University of Ferrara, Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network for the research field: "Sviluppo di metodologie di ricerca per la progettazione integrata di reti museali e di sistemi territoriali. Sperimentazione di procedure inclusive per la progettazione museografica, l’allestimento, la comunicazione visiva attraverso strumenti cartografici, didattici, multimediali”. In particular for the case studies: Eridano Museum System (SSD ICAR/14).

Research skills
survey | integrated digital tools | representation drawing| seismic vulnerability | cultural heritage < one word in each space

Scientific activities



Doctoral research

Tools towards compatibility-based seismic design strategies: optimization of survey procedures and application of integrated digital tools for seismic risk mitigation of cultural heritage. The fellowship is funded with European Social Fundings of the Operational Programme 2014/2020 Regione Emilia-Romagna: High Competences for Research, for Technology Transfer and Business.

The research “Tools towards compatibility-based seismic design strategies: optimization of survey procedures and application of integrated digital tools for seismic risk mitigation of cultural heritage” is funded under the “Threeyear High Skills Plan for Research, Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurship” - OPESF 2014/2020 Thematic Objective 10. Definition and validation of a new integrated survey procedure to mitigate the seismic risk to guarantee the documentation, conservation, restauration, management and monitoring of the Emilia-Romagna Cultural Heritage, which has been struck on the earthquake on 2012, is the main goal of the research. The study will benefit from the support of a partnership network composed by public Institutions- National and Local Authorities, Agenzia per la Ricostruzione Sisma 2012, Emilia-Romagna High Technology Network, and TekneHub, University of Ferrara Technopole, and private enterprises (ACER Reggio Emilia, ACER Ferrara, Graphisoft, GEIS s.r.l).. Starting to needs of Agenzia per la Ricostruzione SISMA 2012, the research is aimed to optimization of the existing procedures useful both for a fact-finding framework, through the application of integrated survey methodology, procedures and technologies (3D Laser Scanner; Digital Photogrammetry, BIM environment) on the selected case studies. Specially it is focusing on damaged Theatres within the crater seismic area.

integrated survey |damaged Cultural Heritage | data capturing |seismic upgrading | data management | damaged Theatres| Agenzia per la Ricostruzione SISMA 2012

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Archivio Eventi