Veronica Vona

XXXIV Cycle - (A.A. 2018-2019)

Home Institution: University of Ferrara
Scholarship (bound research topic)
Curriculum: Architecture (ICAR19)
Research Topic: Cultural heritages
Tutor DA-UNIFE: Riccardo Dalla Negra
Tutor Polis University:
Nationality: Italy



Veronica Vona is graduated in 2011 with an Architectural Restoration thesis, she also attended in 2014 a II level Master in seismic improvement consolidation and restoration. Since 2013 she have started to work in Labora - Laboratory of Architectural Restoration - when she won an research grant entitled "Criteri per la valutazione della vulnerabilità e la definizione delle politiche di intervento volte alla riduzione del rischio sismico nell'ambito di tessuti urbani di edilizia storica di base". The main activities that, during these years, she has done are principally focused on tridimensional survey and post-earthquake restoration. From November 2016 to October 2018 she was a research fellow in the project "Organismi urbani storici ed edilizia di base: analisi morfo-tipologica e controllo dell’intervento di restauro, sia nell’ambito del progetto che nelle fasi di cantiere, con particolare riferimento alle azioni per il miglioramento sismico e sfruttando appieno le potenzialità offerte dai sistemi informativi tridimensionali (GIS 3D) elaborati su acquisizione laser (nuvola di punti)"", at the University of Ferrara.

Research skills
Restoration | Cultural_Heritage | Historic_Buildings | Seismic_improvement | 3D_survey

Scientific activities



Doctoral research

Sisma Emilia 2012: predictive approach to intervention on Historical and Monumental Buildings. Construction of a Geographic Information System of the collapse mechanisms aimed at analyzing the expected risk to support IoT based systems for continuous monitoring. The fellowship is funded with European Social Fundings of the Operational Programme 2014/2020 Regione Emilia-Romagna: High Competences for Research, for Technology Transfer and Business.

The series of earthquakes that occurred during 2012 brought out the Emilia-Romagna territory’s vulnerability. Particularly important, of the existing damaged built environment, 70% represented (and still represents) the Region’s cultural heritage. A significant amount of data was produced as a result of the earthquake for Cultural Heritage, with particular reference to the characterization of collapse dynamics. Starting from the systematic and integrated analysis of such data, the research aims to propose innovative procedures for continuous observation of the built cultural heritage environment’s structural behavior.. The analysis of the collapse mechanisms has already been successfully carried out in Abachi but at present, these exist only for Churches and Palaces. There are specialised types of buildings that escape the logic and tools that have already been identified and validated such as: castles, theatres, or even cemeteries. For these different specialised types the main collapse mechanisms wants be identified and characterized. The careful analysis of the post-earthquake conditions and the examination of the collapse mechanisms recognized by the various design groups will constitute an informative-base of exceptional relevance for characterizing recurring phenomena on the specialised type identified. It will follow the creation of an Information system that will be made accessible as WebGIS platform, able to explore, overlay and process data around potential risk factors to identified assets. The integrated data management will allow ongoing updates and enables specific queries to determine risk indicators at the individual level (each building’s susceptibility to a given collapse mechanism) and on a territorial scale (susceptibility to a specific collapse mechanism by the entire heritage in question).

Cultural Heritage | Historic Buildings | Damage survey | Seismic improvement | GIS implementation

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