Cristina Vanucci

Tecnologia e morfologia. Sistemi esigenziali-prestazionali e processo edilizio: l’ottimizzazione delle informazioni geometriche, descrittive, morfologiche come strumento di analisi, verifica e controllo

How is the relationship between the requirements, the building process and geometric, descriptive, morphological information? From this question, the thesis analyzes the process of data mining and transmission of information in the process. The information, measurement, geometry, morphology, may be subject to change due to banal reasons, for example an unordered data storage, or an incorrect data mining or an inaccurate data base. So first goal of the thesis is developing a methodology of data storage and data mining. The information must be consistent with the levels of precision required, versatile compared to other segments of the process and focused exclusively on information that you need to know to carry out the project development. Enucleated the problem, the thesis is developed in a series of case studies that deal with separate commissions. The case studies are located in different segments of the building process with relative accuracy constraints to be respected. The variety of case studies is to show the transversality of this scientific problem in the building process and how the information derived from the techniques of representation will constitute an essential support occurs at different steps of the process. Show the process applicability need a check with the variables of the process itself: the segment of the building process respect to which the case study is located, the requirements defined by the client and the delta of accuracy defined for the validation of information extracted. From case studies some opportunities for innovation in extracting information are identified, they are then coagulated together according to the objectives identified at the start of research to form the future scenarios: these scenarios take over part of the know-how of case studies and industry profiles are addressed to the final clotting knowledge and skills and can develop the industrial scenario sketched.

XXIV Cycle
Tecnologia dell'Architettura
Home Institution: Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Tutor: Marcello Balzani


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