Marco Zuppiroli

Miglioramento dell'efficienza energetica in sistemi aggregati di edilizia pre-industriale di base, tra istanze conservative e prestazionali. Valutazione quantitativa del fabbisogno di energia in alcuni aggregati nel centro urbano di Ferrara

The energy performance of buildings, their needs and the possibilities of energy saving, have long been an issue in the debate of construction and real estate sectors. The transposition of the Directive 2002/91/EC (EPBD), as well as of the Directive 2010/31/EU, has modified the relationship between building and energy, also in existing buildings. On the other hand, the energy performance certificate (EPC) spreading has changed the real estate perception. Energy upgrade is a good way for retrofit existing buildings of the second half of the 20th century, but not for all existing buildings. The cultural heritage and preindustrial basic building should be a special case to discuss. Several studies discuss energy performance of single building, building stock, heritage building and also urban comfort. The planning of actual energy policies and the organization of targeted action in the structural planning, can only start from the knowledge of the real state of things. With the aim of validating the real need for improvement of energy performance in preindustrial basic building, my dissertation provides an in-depth quantitative analysis of the thermal energy demand and the improvement of energy efficiency in preindustrial basic building, through the analytical investigation of the case studies in the urban center of Ferrara.

XXIV Cycle
Tecnologia dell'Architettura
Home Institution: Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Tutor: Rita Fabbri


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