Enrico Arbizzani

XXIV Cycle - (A.A. 2008-2009)

Architecture Technology
Home Institution: University of Ferrara

Curriculum: Architecture (ICAR12)
Research Topic: Energy Demand & Morphology
Tutor DA-UNIFE: Nicola Marzot
Nationality: Italian

Email: Enrico.Arbizzani@unife.it


Enrico graduates MSc in Architecture in 2008 with the R.Sgarbanti award. He worked in the Netherlands and England as registered architect. He conducted his research in collaboration with the European Institute of Energy Research and in 2012 he receives his PhD with his study of the energy demand of urban patterns.

Research skills
Morphology | Energy Demand | Design | Design Theory | Urban History

Scientific activities



Doctoral research

Energy in the urban context: influence of urban patterns on the energy demand of residential buildings. The case study of Rotterdam.

The research estimates the influence of urban patterns and their inertia on the energy demand of residential buildings. It samples 24 existing housing clusters in the city of Rotterdam, the Netherlands, that are characterised by an increasing complexity of the urban texture. The sampling has been conducted through a cluster analysis of the morphological data of the existing stock. Sun radiation and the energy demand for heating and cooling have been computed within a GIS model. The results depicts the characteristics of the morphology of combined buildings, in relation to the uniformity of the texture, building types distribution and seriality of the pattern.

Energy Demand | Morphology | Inertia | Residential Buildings | Urban Pattern

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18/10/2024 09:00 - 21:00 Palazzo Tassoni Estense

Una chiesa in foglia d'oro

Giornata di Studi per il restauro della chiesa di San Paolo a Ferrara

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Archivio Eventi