Enrico Arbizzani

RENDIMENTO ENERGETICO E AGGREGATO EDILIZIO. Incidenza del contesto aggregativo sul fabbisogno energetico dell'edilizia residenziale. Il caso di Rotterdam

The research aims to calculate the influence of urban textures on the energy demand of residential buildings. It compares 24 samples of housing aggregations in the city of Rotterdam, Netherlands, that are characterized by different levels of texture complexity. Building types are recognized through a clusters analysis of the morphological data of the residential stock. Sun radiation and energy demand for heating and cooling are calculated with a GIS model. The results are compared to the typological uniformity, the prevailing building type and the seriality of the aggregations.

XXIV Cycle
Tecnologia dell'Architettura
Home Institution: Università degli Studi di Ferrara
Tutor: Nicola Marzot
